Australian Prife / iTeraCare Shop

QLD01 Stockist

Welcome to our iTeraCare QLD01 Shop. Please order via your SPONSOR's referral link if you have a sponsor.

If you found this website by yourself, you may order via this shop and we will guide you in use of these products and/or building an iTeraCare business.

If you are already a Prife Intl. Independent Business Owner you may create a personal referral link by signing up at Once fully registered, we will confirm your personalised referral link via email.

Please note that we cannot undo or cancel incorrect orders, due to the way the Prife Intl order system works. You must tell us who referred you at the time you order.

We ONLY ship within Australia. Please do not use this shop for any orders that are not using QLD01 as the Prife iTeraCare stockist.

Pricing is in AUD and includes credit card fees & Express Post postage within Australia.

** If you live on the Sunshine Coast, we are also happy to accept Cash. Please get in touch through our contact us page.